PC Technician Essentials

By SAJJAD SARWAR Tuesday, 25 October 2011 0 comments

PC Tools
A technician’s best tools are his or her senses and hands. However, a technician
needs hardware tools to open the PC and to install and replace components.
There are several personal computer (PC) tools that should be a part of every
technician’s toolkit including
■ Phillips and straight-blade screwdrivers— Used when hex drivers are not
compatible; non-magnetic preferred
■ Torx drivers— Required for some Compaq models; non-magnetic preferred
■ Hex drivers— Used for opening and closing cases and securing and removing
cards and motherboards; non-magnetic preferred
■ 3-claw parts retrieval tool— Retrieves loose parts from computer interior;
prevents lost parts, which can lead to dead shorts
■ Hemostat clamps— Replaces tweezers for inserting and removing jumper
blocks and cables
■ Needle-nose pliers— Straightens bent pins
■ Eyebrow tweezers— Replaces normal tweezers in toolkit for removing and
replacing jumpers
■ Penlight— Illuminates dark cases
■ Magnifier— Makes small parts and markings easier to read
■ Jeweler’s screwdriver set— Enables repairs to devices that use small screws
You can buy toolkits that contain many of these items, but don’t hesitate to supplement
a kit you already have with additional items from this list or other items
you find useful. Figure 1-1 illustrates some important tools.
Computer Technician Required Tools

1. Screwdriver with removable tips
2. Hex driver tips
3. Screw and Torx tips
4. Chip puller (also useful for
removing keytops)
5. Jeweler’s screwdriver set
6. Flat-blade screwdriver
7. Small Phillips-head screwdriver
8. Phillips-head screwdriver
9. Pliers
10. Needle-nose pliers
11. Torx driver
12. Hex driver
13. 3-claw parts retrieval tool

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